
Cadinot FR

Cadinot FR

Cadinot FR


  • Content: Good Porn Site & Updated frequently
  • Design: Good Design
  • Price: Trial, Monthly, Quarterly, Biannual & Yearly
  • Responsive: Yes
  • Negative

  • Negativo: None
  • Content: Not Updated
  • Design: Old Design
  • Responsive: No

  • Cadinot is a Gay French porn site offers a wide variety of scenes featuring French guys, Arab studs and other European men. A nice mix of fetish, rough action and a good selection of cocksuckers - mostly uncut. The movies are streamed in MP4 format and the adaptive player automatically resizes to fit the screen. The videos are a little bit grainy but this is due to the fact that Cadinot directed during a time that predates HD.

    Cadinot is still a work in progress - it's not clear how often they will be updating. However, they have a large collection of beautifully made gay pornos available at a reasonable VOD rate.

    Porn with Cadinot FR in The Porn App or APK

    One of the great pleasures of this collection is watching the evolution of Cadinot's directing style. As he went along his films became more and more sophisticated, and yet they retain the same basic appeal as the early ones.

    Cadinot.fr had a strong appreciation for the beauty of human body language, which is clearly evident in many of his scenes. However, he also had a deep sense of sensuality and could not resist showing some explicit sexual activity in his films. This was not a gratuitous gesture, but part of the overall appeal of his work.

    Another element in his films on Cadinot is the realism that he brings to his gay stories. His characters are usually young people in their late teens or early twenties, and they interact with men of all ages and races. He also tends to use younger actors, rather than the pumped up, well-endowed men that dominate American porn.